
Posts Tagged ‘girls’


In Uncategorized on April 1, 2009 at 2:18 am

Wow, i seem lame because I’m writing on a blog on how i need a fly girl haha. but its true, there’s not that  many girls out there that i like because they don’t seem to fit my lifestyle. its like every time i meet a girl i make them show me the real them. Then we stop talking, then they go back to the old them, like the fake them. To tell the truth, i never met a girl that always stayed real with me. I’m starting to care less about looks because every time i go after some really good looking girls they turn out to be some real bitch’s are some fake ass hoes. Well I’m done talking because every time i talk people don’t understand because they cant comprehend what I’m saying.



Song Of the week: Charles Hamilton – Conversations With God